It’s always a good feeling to have something in the works, isn’t it? It’s very satisfying to see the pages fill, then go back and trim and tweak and fiddle until it’s just right – at least for that moment. And then, eventually, it’s right just the way it is when you read it through.
Right now, I’m in the writing/revising stage on a few pieces. It’s hard at this point because I say I want feedback, but what I really want is praise. And trust me, praise is terrific. But feedback is far more useful. Today I got feedback on one piece that I could say is because the reader missed the point – but did he? Or did I fail to make it clear?
And then there’s the tendency for readers to assume that anything in the first person is autobiographical. I’m sure that’s quite often the case, but I like the first person because it’s fun to write. So, now I have three strangers assuming I’m a terribly damaged person – which I may be, but not in the way they’ve been led to believe. I’m wondering why I do this to myself.
But I also have a story that’s coming along really well – even the feedback is positive. That makes me pretty happy – okay, I’m thrilled. And then there is the proposal that is 12 days away from being dead in the water. And slides to make for a class I’m going to lead. And books to read – so many books!
What about you? How’s your Work in Progress going?