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I’ve been writing since I could hold a crayon. At first, it was scribbles on a page. Today, it’s STEM nonfiction and fiction about change, loss, and celebration — some for kids and some for adults. I’m glad you’re here. Please take a look and visit my blog. Be sure to sign up for news about new titles, too.

About Gina


I write books and novels — articles and workbooks, too. If it takes words to get it done, I’m there!


I love to teach and tutor in Language Arts. I also thoroughly enjoy coaching and editing!


So much to say. So little time… A blog is the perfect vehicle!

NonFiction for Kids

Kids NonFiction
Two nonfiction books for kids.
Two nonfiction books for adults.

NonFiction for Adults

Adults NonFiction

NonFiction coming soon

Curious kids want to know…

What can you do with a genome?

Trace foodborne pathogens, cure rare diseases, preserve biodiversity, and more!

What can you do with an audacious idea?

Nothing less than change the world!

What can you do with AI?

Self-driving cars are only the beginning!

What can you do with synthetic biology?

To start: Grow fabric and building materials. Improve the capabilities of plants.

New books coming soon!


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Adult Fiction coming soon

Singular Losses

It’s the unobservable losses that make the deepest cut.

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The art crime cozies

Mystery with an artist’s touch.

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Kids Fiction coming soon


Sometimes it takes someone else to show us who we are.

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The first step in becoming yourself is the hardest.

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What do readers say?

“Science writer Hagler begins with an introduction to fluid dynamics, focusing on birds, bats, insects, seeds, etc. … the book does contain some good writing and interesting information on the history of technology.’

Modeling Ships and Space Craft Book,
reviewed on Springer website

What a wonderful idea to publish books for kids with chronic medical conditions! A must read for any child or family faced with epilepsy.

Elizabeth on Amazon,
5.0 out of 5 stars
